A few hours ago, I walked into a grocery store to pick up some ‘last minute’ groceries and was at the till to pay, when I realized that I didn’t have my savings card. I told the cashier.. “I left my savings card in my car, please take the next person.” The unassuming man, behind me, who was next in line said ‘I will like to pay for your groceries.’ I was somewhat embarrassed but heard what was said clearly and replied ‘Oh no, no, no, you don’t have to do this. I actually have the cash to pay.” He replied “no, i would like to… someone did it to me, and I would like to do the same… ‘ I was reluctant to concede but he moved towards the cashier and asked how much the bill was. My groceries were paid for, while I tried to relieve what had just happened. Still in shock but didn’t forget my manners, I quickly thanked him and added a ‘God bless you’ salutation. The cashier, who witnessed the experience thanked him as well and noted he was a regular customer at the store. “Thank you…God bless you,’ one more time, I blurted out to this stranger, and his response, ‘JUST PAY IT FORWARD.’
In reflecting on this experience, I smiled and had some thoughts run through my mind:
- hhmn… ( in pidgin language) when God wan bless you… others go join mouth to thank God for you and even those that God use to bless you.
- Thinking about it: this is not the first time this has happened to me… this happened to me about 5 years ago in the grocery store too 😂. Every time it happens, it inspires and motivates me to be the best version of myself.
- I have to share this story to encourage anyone out there- there are still very good people in our world.
At some point, I felt guilty for accepting this kind gesture, then reassured myself: “It was okay to have accepted this stranger’s request and resolved that “even though it is more blessed to give than to receive, it is also okay to receive a blessing.”
Yep, I am reminded by a stranger today to endeavor to PAY IT FORWARD. To the kind hearted fellow thar made my day today: ‘I WILL, I WILL… I PROMISE I WILL PAY IT FORWARD 🍷 🙏🏿’