This weekend, I spent every single day cooking. “Should women spend so much of their time in the kitchen?” is up for debate at a later time 😂. Well, at least 4 hours of my time was worth it because my two boys had their first share of broiled chicken, took seconds and thirds, left me with almost no left-overs and sent me to the store to get more chicken that I will need to prep and grill again.

Seriously, the meals I made this weekend turned out well because I was determined to GIGO my kind of way. It wasn’t at all easy or convenient but i did it anyway- I stayed up cleaning, washing, chopping. seasoning, spicing, until all was done and ready for the oven. Then I had to stay on to clean afterwards. I put in the work and i am glad it turned out well. Parenting can be exactly like my weekend. It is hard work… Sometimes, you do it right and sometimes there will be slip ups. However, realizing our errors and retracting from them so that we are back on the right track make parenting worthwhile.

How do you want to GIGO your way? Do you want to ‘Garbage in, Garbage out?’ Or do you want to ‘Great in, Great out?’ I like to do the later, and put in ‘great’ effort to get ‘great’ result. However. it takes persistence, determination and resilience to keep at it.

Here are some tips for staying on track or to ‘Great in Great out’ on your parenting journey.

  1. Remember the reason why you are doing what you are doing. There are benefits to sticking it out and not giving up at any point in your parenting journey i.e. the peace of mind that you get when your children are doing well in their endeavors is priceless.
  2. Focus on the end goal. What are you looking to get out of your parenting journey? With this target in mind, you are motivated to keep going. For example, I was determined to ensure that my boys have a healthy meal over the weekend, so I did all that was necessary to make that happen.
  3. Enlist the help of others along the way because you will need them. It is also okay to vent and let out your frustration, if you get to that point. Take a break from a particular task if needed. In my particular situation, I negotiated with my boys and told them that they had to wash the dishes and do the other weekend chores. Alternatively. If push had come to shove, I could have considered getting a chef or ordered out healthy meals for us to eat. The lesson here is, don’t sweat it, if you are not up to it.

It is most important that you don’t ‘Garbage in Garbage out.’ if we don’t take care in parenting effectively, how do we want to get effective results? Remain focused on your goals and aim to put in the requisite effort, time or whatever it takes to make you proud of the outcome you desire. Finally don’t forget to enlist the help of others as you go along. Till next time, “‘Great in,’ so that you can ‘Great out.’

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